Dcl _Tiles

Dcl_Tiles is a set of utilities and functions for AutoLISP and DCL dialog control

based upon the Dcl_Tiles dialog control method.  Dcl_Tiles utilizes a unique naming

convention for variables and dialog key names.  The naming convention consist of a

numbering system of three digits ranging from 000 to 999.  It's very easy to cut and

paste code from the following examples in Dcl_Tiles into your own programs and be up

and running in a short time.

Set_Value is the main control function inside of Dcl_Tiles.  It determines which

sub-function to execute based upon the dialog key name that was activated, and

sets the appropriate variable based upon the three digit number part of the

dialog key name.  All dialog functions contain their own sub-function Chk_Value:,

which calls Set_Value and then allows you to make changes in the "Exceptions to
Set_Value" area.  Here you can customize it as needed, such as graying out tiles,

or alerting that a value is incorrect based upon the values of other tiles.  You
may then reset a variable to it's previous value, or change other variables in

other tiles as required.

Following are the dialog key names recognized by Set_Value and their returns.
Edit###              string
EditCaps###          uppercase string

EditInt###           integer string
EditReal###          real number string
EditArch###          real number string to nearest 32th
EditArchOrReal###    real number string to nearest 32th or real
EditArchToReal###    real number string to nearest 32th
List###              string of item selected
ListInt###           integer string of item selected
ListReal###          real number string of item selected
ListArch###          real number string of item selected to nearest 32th
MultiList###         list of strings of the items selected
Image###             list of the integer X and Y pixel location selected

Radio###             string of the first part of the dialog key name before ###'s
Slider###            integer string of the slider position number
Toggle###            integer string of "1" for selected or "0" for not selected

The Dcl_Tiles dialog control method requires that variables associated with

dialog key names, be named according to the convention of Var###$, List###@ and

Other###@.  Adding an "Other" as the last item in a list, allows the user to add

to the list.  The dialog key names ListInt###, ListReal### and ListArch###,

associated with a list with an "Other", will determine which type of value is

allowed to be added to the list.  If you add an "Other" to a list, you must setq

an Other###@ list to the original List###@.


Dcl_Tiles includes the function tabs_tile, which displays tabs in an image tile.

Syntax example: (tabs_tile "Image001" '("One" "Two" "Three") 2)

The function vector_text displays text in an image tile.

Syntax example: (vector_text "M" 110 25 0 5 "Hello World")

Also included with Dcl_Tiles is the Progress_Bar function as shown below.

Syntax example: (Progress_Bar "Program Message" "Processing information..." 0.25)

Dcl _Tiles

Dialog Examples