GetIcon & GetButtons

Command: ShowIcons

GetIcon  Examples

GetButtons  Examples

(GetButtons1 "Greetings" "Have a nice day!" "Smile" "You too!")
(GetButtons2 "" "Ready to print?" "Printer" "Yes" "No")
(GetButtons3 "" "Plot orientation?" "Quest" "Portrait" "Landscape" "Cancel")
(GetButtons4 "" "Paper size?" "" "A-Size" "B-Size" "C-Size" "D-Size")

(GetButtons5 "" "Number of copies?" "None" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5")

Syntax  Examples

Command: GetIcon

GetIcon functions return the name of the button selected:

GetOK = "OK"

GetOKCancel = "OK" or "Cancel"

GetYesNo = "Yes" or "No"
GetYesNoCancel = "Yes", "No" or "Cancel"

GetYestoAll = "Yes", "Yes to All", "No" or "Cancel"
GetRetryCancel = "Retry" or "Cancel"
Syntax: (Get? "Title" "Line #1\nLine #2...\nLine #10" "Icon")
Icons: AlertX, Block, Computer, Constr, Delete, Exclam, Filefolder, Folder
Frown, Inform, Light, Printer, Quest, Replace, Smile and None.
Example: (GetOK "" "Have a nice day!" "Smile")

Command: GetButtons
GetButtons functions return the name of the button selected:
GetButtons1 = "Btn1"
GetButtons2 = "Btn1" or "Btn2"
GetButtons3 = "Btn1", "Btn2" or "Btn3"
GetButtons4 = "Btn1", "Btn2", "Btn3" or "Btn4"
GetButtons5 = "Btn1", "Btn2", "Btn3", "Btn4" or "Btn5"
Syntax: (GetButtons? "Title" "Line #1...\nLine #10" "Icon" ["Btn1"..."Btn5"])
Icons: AlertX, Block, Computer, Constr, Delete, Exclam, Filefolder, Folder
Frown, Inform, Light, Printer, Quest, Replace, Smile and None.
Syntax examples:
(GetButtons1 "Greetings" "Have a nice day!" "Smile" "You too!")
(GetButtons2 "" "Ready to print?" "Printer" "Yes" "No")
(GetButtons3 "" "Plot orientation?" "Quest" "Portrait" "Landscape" "Cancel")
(GetButtons4 "" "Paper size?" "" "A-Size" "B-Size" "C-Size" "D-Size")
(GetButtons5 "" "Number of copies?" "None" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5")

EditBox  Examples

(EditBox "Edit Box Title" "Prompt:" "Default" 20);edit width

(EditEnter "" "" "" 14.5);edit width

PopupList  Examples

(setq FontList@ (list "" "Ariel" "City Blueprint" "Times New Roman"))
(PopupList "Popup List Title" "Prompt:" "Times New Roman" FontList@)
(setq Justify@ (list "" "Align" "Fit" "Center" "Middle" "Right"));etc.
(PopupListEnter "Justification" "" "" Justify@)

Vector_Circle  Examples

Download File: GetIcon.lsp